Flexibility, Productivity, and Affordability – The Value of VoIP

VoIP, or Voice-over-IP (Internet-Protocol), is an Internet-based phone system that can increase your business’ flexibility and productivity while saving you money. Because it’s Internet-based, VoIP offers benefits not available with traditional business phone systems – and with fixed rates, can save you thousands of dollars on long-distance and overseas calls. IT Services for the East Bay’s Voice-over-IP team will work closely with your San Francisco company to evaluate your current phone usage and needs, review available options and provide VoIP solutions to replace or supplement your existing business phone system.

Our VoIP programs include:

With Voice-over-IP, your monthly rate stays constant, no matter how many calls you make or where you call. If you routinely make long-distance or international calls, our system could save you thousands of dollars. In addition, with our Internet-based business phone systems, you don’t have to make a huge capital investment in equipment that will soon be out-of-date.

With VoIP, you can access your phone system anyplace there’s an Internet connection. It’s a smart option for cost-conscious businesses — especially businesses that also have a mobile workforce. VoIP can be used over wireless connections anywhere, so your employees can stay productive while they’re at home in San Francisco or traveling. Plus, voice-over-IP services can change as your business needs change, giving you the capability to scale up or down anytime.

Call IT Services for the East Bay today to see how much your company can save using VoIP.

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